Peggy Phoenix Dubro
Living Energetically Aware

Dear Co-Creator,

I have been working with the new frequency of "Re-habit" and it is a reality changer for each one of us personally and for our surroundings. This frequency is filled with coherent energy patterns to support your new habits, the new ways you choose. The energy patterns empower transformation within you AND the energy patterns empower transformation in your surroundings! This is more than I had expected and is a pleasant surprise. The Phoenix Inspiration and Insights energy sessions for this four-part series are also filled with this unique frequency of Re-habit. See you Sunday, we are doing this!

Consider this: you are what you repeatedly do. We all are what we repeatedly do. OMG, I am absolutely sure I am ready to renew, regenerate, and re-habit. By re-habit I mean look at the habits we already have, name the ones we want to stop ... or change. Let us identify and recognize the good habits we already have and build on them the new ways and habits that will support us now and into the future. We will do this together in a four-part series accompanied by a multidimensional Phoenix Inspiration and Insights energy session for each part of the series.

Energetically, we build the strength of our muscles of light when we develop new ways to reason and express ourselves as a multidimensional being. As evolutionaries we feel a persistent, divine drive to align our light body with our physical body, to align our inner and outer worlds, as fully as possible. All of this helps us to effectively and successfully co-create our reasons for being here

There are many scientific studies around the world that confirm we affect our own DNA through our thoughts, actions, words, and intents. And so I will say again, we are what we repeatedly do. And living in energetic awareness, now is a great time to re-habit!

As many of you know and I hope more will find out, I am crazy "just enough" to continue to be persistent in these times of change! I suspect you are crazy "just enough" too and will join me for this four-part series beginning Sunday April 8th. On this day using our intellect and intuition, you will multidimensionally re-habit your evening routine. I offer you as a gift this first part of the series along with the transformational energies of a Phoenix Inspiration and Insights energy session.

In the Love that goes on forever,
Peggy Phoenix Dubro

Part 1: Re-habit YOUR Evening

SUNDAY April 8th 2018 - 2:00-3:30pm EDT

In English with Spanish translation - Watch the recording!

We will start the re-habit practice by considering your evening routines. You will make mental notes or keep a brief written journal of what you do - and when you do it in the hours before sleep. No one will see your journal, it is private and just for you to record your observations. I know I really do not need to add "make your notes without guilt", am I right ;-)? If you have the time before this event, you can begin on any evening.

After observing what you do and when, think about this time as your evening sacred ceremony. Ask yourself what you would like to do in preparation for sleep at the end of each day, and how will this affect you the next morning?

We will review and add some other considerations during our re-habit time together online. There will also be a Phoenix Inspiration and Insights energy session to energize and empower your chosen habits.

Re-habit ... YOUR New Ways ... Phoenix Style!

Presented by Peggy Phoenix Dubro

In English with Spanish translation - Watch the recordings!

This four-part course includes 4 video recordings and access to a private Facebook support page.

Part 1: Re-habit YOUR Evening

We will start the re-habit practice by considering your evening routines. You will make mental notes or keep a brief written journal of what you do - and when you do it in the hours before sleep. No one will see your journal, it is private and just for you to record your observations. I know I really do not need to add "make your notes without guilt", am I right :-)? If you have the time before this event, you can begin on any evening.

After observing what you do and when, think about this time as your evening sacred ceremony. Ask yourself what you would like to do in preparation for sleep at the end of each day, and how will this affect you the next morning?

We will review and add some other considerations during our re-habit time together online. There will also be a Phoenix Inspiration and Insights energy session to energize and empower your chosen habits.

Part 2: Re-habit YOUR Morning

In this energy event we will re-habit our mornings. You will observe your morning routines a few days ahead of our time together and keep a brief mental or written journal of how you greet your day. Remember to take note of your time frames - so 3rd dimensional, I know, I know, really I do! However a good 3rd dimensional foundation opens the channels for great multidimensional success! Think of this time as your morning sacred ceremony, laying the foundation for your chosen transformation, and you may become forever transformed!

I am so excited about this part of our journey together. This attention to detail is time well spent, wise of us to do this now ... I am sure you will be glad you did this. Looking forward to the patterns and energies of support we generate as I give the supportive Phoenix Inspiration and Insights energy session.

Part 3: Re-habit YOUR Nutrition and Exercise

You are what you repeatedly eat and do! With the empowering support of a profound Phoenix Inspiration and Insight energy session, we will bring about new ways of perceiving the energy of the foods you choose to eat and the movements of your body throughout your day. This is a multidimensional change in lifestyle. The frequency of who you are now is ready for these important foundational transformations. You can do this with greater ease as you re-habit!

Part 4: Re-habit YOUR Frequency

You are what you repeatedly feel and do. Your emotions, your energies in motion, are keys to the resonant frequency of your being as it affects all of your experience in life. The re-habit frequency is now available to us as masters in practice. This re-habit frequency brings new abilities to transform ourselves and our surroundings in a deeply quantum way. Along with a transformational Phoenix Inspiration and Insight energy session, we will focus on integrating our new bandwidth of emotions using the re-habit frequency.

Blessings of peace and happiness in your new ways ... now.

Tuition (includes all 4 parts): $111.00

Payment plan: 3 x 38.85 = $116.55

Sign up here for all four parts